Core Passion Assessment web app

Core Passion Assessment Project

The Core Passion Assessment is an online questionnaire with companion 21-page PDF report.  Pixie Dust developed and certified the assessment for Core Passion Inc.  The tool is a mobile-ready web app integrated with WordPress.

Our team rewrote a PERL and MySQL application into JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 with MySQL. We also created new graphic assets, new audio assets, and a custom PDF generator.

The results of the assessment are collected by unique user and associated to other Core Passion products and programs. The assessment data integrates into the products’ workflow and reports.

The Core Passion Assessment wireframe works within the My Core Passion portal design. The user experience is responsive across browsers and mobile devices.

Visit to learn more about the Core Passion Assessment.

This is a paid web app ($90.00) available on-line for popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

See also:


Web Hosting: Dream Host

CMS: WordPress

Theme: Celestino with custom JavaScript, PHP, and CSS

App Design, UX, & Development: Pixie Dust L.L.C.

Website and App Content: Lori Palm and Wes Hamilton with Core Passion Inc.

Website Design: Pixie Dust L.L.C.

Digital Business Strategy consulting: Lori L. Lorenz

Video Production: Mandy Jones

Illustration: D. A. Holz