Career Seeker app

Career Seeker App Project

Need a career? Use this smart analysis app to discover what you want.  Then compare careers to find out which one fits you best.

This app project converted a traditional personal career development seminar into an interactive app by adding a gap analysis assessment (Core Passion Codex) and integrating the Core Passion Assessment results.

The wireframes started on whiteboards then were recreated in Photoshop and posted to with links to simulate navigation.

After the app was available, the curriculum was extended to include an on-line e-learning program at

The app splash introduction plays the Core Passion Song jingle on a loop until the user taps the screen.

Core Passion Career Seeker QR link

This is a paid app ($9.99) available for iOS on the Apple App Store and for Android on Google Play. Scan or tap the QR code above to navigate to your device’s app store.

See also:


Web Hosting: Dream Host

CMS: WordPress

Theme: Organic Themes, Purpose with custom JavaScript, PHP, and CSS

App Design, UX, & Development: Pixie Dust L.L.C.

Website and App Content: Lori Palm and Wes Hamilton with Core Passion Inc.

Website Design: Pixie Dust L.L.C.

Digital Business Strategy consulting: Lori L. Lorenz

Illustration: D. A. Holz

Assessment design and provisional patent submission: Lori Lorenz and Lori Palm

Music Production: Wishing Star Studio

Core Passion Song: Written by Karen Palm. Performed by: Karen Palm (vocals), Lori Palm (trumpet), Mandy Jones (saxophone, arrangements), Terrance Schubring (keyboards, rhythm, bass guitar)